This post was authored by Tyler Doan, Esq.
Petitioner owns real property on a short dead end roadway in the City of Ithaca abutting Summit Avenue. An adjacent property, that Summit Ave is on, has been owned by various entities during the relevant period. In 2017, after the then owner of the subject property blocked a portion of Summit Ave on the property in preparation for constructing an apartment complex there, the Petitioner commenced and an action contending, among other things, that it had a right of unobstructed access to Summit Ave because the roadway was either a public street…
Posted by: Patricia Salkin | June 30, 2023
NY Appellate Court Dismisses SEQRA and Consistency with LWRP and Zoning Ordinance Claims Finding the Matter Moot
Petitioners brought an Article 78 proceeding to annul the determination of the Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation issuing a negative declaration pursuant to SEQRA with respect to a construction project and to annual the determination of the City of Buffalo that the project was consistent with the City’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program and the City’s zoning ordinance. However, the petitioner did not move for preliminary injunctive relief to enjoin the construction from continuing pending the…
The most immediate concerns after a car accident are your health and your legal obligations.
First, you should be evaluated by a physician for any injuries. Not all car accident injuries are obvious. Brain injuries can be essential invisible, and other conditions may not show symptoms for hours or days after a car accident due to adrenaline and shock.
Next, you want to collect as much information about the accident as possible. Get all relevant information such as license plate numbers, names, locations, insurance providers, and other details and organize it. If there were any witnesses present at the scene,…
This post was authored by Tyler Doan, Esq.
The petitioner initially contested the grant of an exception to the local zoning ordinance to allow a converted church in a single-family residence area to be used as “small gathering space” for community events such as bridal and baby showers and class reunions. After a public hearing, the Board of Adjustments granted the exception.
The Petitioner then filed a petition for writ of certiorari challenging the board’s decision. The district court concluded the board “did not act illegally in granting the exception.” The Petitioner then appealed to the present court arguing a…
This post originally appeared on the Dalton Tomich blog and is reposted with permission from Dan Dalton, Esq, –
in Montrief v. Macon Township Board of Trustees, the plaintiffs-landowners filed suit against the Township alleging an amended zoning ordinance was invalid and unenforceable based on a failure to comply with certain notice requirements.
Under the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, an enforcing authority, which in most cases is the local government, must provide notice with respect to certain actions taken in zoning matters. Generally, among the most common actions requiring notice are the following:
Authorities must provide notice for public…
What’s Going on With Wetlands? The Supreme Court Takes Another Dive into the “Waters of the US”
Sarah Matrian
Social media was once inundated with the question “is water wet?” But are wet(land) water? The Supreme Court has been asked to determine this very question and the justices will once again attempt to define the boundaries of the Clean Water Act. Depending on the outcome, certain federal protections for wetlands could either be washed away or shored up.
Water is a way of life in Michigan. Beyond manufacturing and industry, a significant portion of Michigan’s revenue is generated from recreation…
Sokoloff Lawyers are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle your personal information to protect your privacy.
Privacy Legislation:Since January 1, 2004, all Canadian organizations engaged in commercial activities have been required to comply with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”) and the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information incorporated by reference into PIPEDA . These obligations extend to lawyers and law firms, including Sokoloff Lawyers.
As a services firm, we have professional and ethical obligations to keep confidential the information we receive in the context of…
SEC Focus on Climate Change Risk and Disclosure
Kathleen Lok
As environmental concerns continue to research, investors and companies have continued to contend with how to report the impact of climate related risks on their business. Currently, the SEC does not require any specific environmental risk reporting, and instead bases disclosures on materiality.[1] This lack of a standardized framework gives companies much discretion to decide what environmental and climate-related information they choose to report, which is often done through voluntary sustainability reports.[2] A 2022 survey by Deloitte showed that more than two-thirds of public companies with over $500 million in…