Sokoloff Lawyers are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle your personal information to protect your privacy.
Privacy Legislation:Since January 1, 2004, all Canadian organizations engaged in commercial activities have been required to comply with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”) and the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information incorporated by reference into PIPEDA . These obligations extend to lawyers and law firms, including Sokoloff Lawyers.
As a services firm, we have professional and ethical obligations to keep confidential the information we receive in the context of…
By: Prakhar Bajpai
The fundamental feature of modern jurisprudence is that for a democracy to be successful, voters must be prepared to make their decisions wisely. A democratic system that does not honor the normative values represented by modern jurisprudence runs the risk of eroding its own public legitimacy and trust. A political conception of the democratic system would not limit itself merely to free and fair elections but would also consider that the purity of elections be maintained. One such process that amalgamates this political structure is the “freebies” that impinge on the functioning of the rule of…
By: Prakhar Bajpai
According to Article 266(3) of the Indian Constitution, money out of the Consolidated funds can only be appropriated by law and for the purposes and manner defined by the constitution. Moreover, Article 282 says that governments can make “any” grants for any public purpose. By defining “purpose” as a “public purpose,” the constitution’s drafters were able to more precisely define the broad goals of each of these provisions. From the concomitant of the scheme above, it is clear that the same was designed to promote the “Directive Principles of State Policies” because the…