This Week in the Supreme Court – w/c 17th July 2023 – UKSCBlog

This Week in the Supreme Court – w/c 17th July 2023 – UKSCBlog

Hearings in the Supreme Court are now shown live on the Court’s website. On Wednesday 19th July the Court will hand-down judgment in Jones v Birmingham City Council and another [2023] UKSC 27. The Court will determine whether Part 4 of the Policing and Crime Act 2009 is incompatible with Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The hand-down will begin at 9:45am in Courtroom 1. From Wednesday 19th July – Thursday 20th July the Court will hear the case of Commissioners for His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs v Fisher and anotheron appeal from [2021] EWCA Civ 1438.…
This Week in the Supreme Court – w/c 17th July 2023 – UKSCBlog

Designs law reform –

IP Australia has published 3 consultation papers on proposed reforms to registered designs law: Public consultation of Protection for Virtual Designs Public consultation on Protection for Partial Designs; and Public consultation on Protection for Incremental Improvements of Designs There are also 3 one page “fact” sheets to go with them: (a) Virtual Designs; (b) Partial Designs; (c) Incremental Improvements, but you probably want to read the consultation papers proper to understand them. Incremental improvements The idea here is that a designer may file a low-cost preliminary design and within 6 months file the “main design”. The priority date of the…
FNKO ALERT: The Klein Law Firm Announces a Lead Plaintiff Deadline of August 1, 2023 in the Class Action Filed on Behalf of Funko, Inc.  Shareholders – Funko

FNKO ALERT: The Klein Law Firm Announces a Lead Plaintiff Deadline of August 1, 2023 in the Class Action Filed on Behalf of Funko, Inc. Shareholders – Funko

NEW YORK, July 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The Klein Law Firm announced that a class action complaint has been filed on behalf of shareholders of Funko, Inc. FNKO alleging that the Company violated federal securities laws. Class Period: May 6, 2022 to March 1, 2023Lead Plaintiff Deadline: August 1, 2023No obligation or cost to you. Learn more about your recoverable losses in FNKO: Funko, Inc. NEWS – FNKO NEWS CLASS ACTION CASE DETAILS: The filed complaint alleges that Funko, Inc. made materially false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (i) Funko was experiencing significantly larger delays in implementing…
This Week in the Supreme Court – w/c 17th July 2023 – UKSCBlog

GIs, free trade, Australia and the EU –

With the closing stages of the negotiations between Australia and the EU over the proposed free trade agreement almost upon us, the EU has proposed a list of 55 further wine geographical indications it wants to protect.[1] Amongst others, the list includes “prosecco” and “vittoria”. The Department of Agriculture is holding a Public Objections Process to assess the impact of accepting these names. There are four grounds for potential objection (and only four): The EU GI name is used in Australia as the common name for the relevant good, including as a type or style of wine. The EU GI…
No kidding: California overtime law threatens use of grazing goats to prevent wildfires

No kidding: California overtime law threatens use of grazing goats to prevent wildfires

By TERRY CHEAAssociated Press WEST SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Hundreds of goats munch on long blades of yellow grass on a hillside next to a sprawling townhouse complex. They were hired to clear vegetation that could fuel wildfires as temperatures rise this summer. These voracious herbivores are in high demand to devour weeds and shrubs that have proliferated across California after a drought-busting winter of heavy rain and snow. “It’s a huge fuel source. If it is left untamed, it can grow very high. And then when the summer dries everything out, it’s perfect fuel for a fire,” said Jason…
Does No Win No Fee Mean No Payment Is Required?

Does No Win No Fee Mean No Payment Is Required?

Table of Contents ‘No win no fee’ explained: What does it actually mean? You might have heard about ‘no win, no fee’ agreements that certain law firms offer existing and prospective clients. This type of arrangement is also known as a conditional agreement and government sources often refer to it as a conditional cost agreement. Many people find this type of offer an attractive prospect, due to the fact that upfront legal fees can be waived. However, it can prove confusing, so we thought we would explore this legal term more fully, to keep you best informed about the particulars.…
ROSEN, A TOP RANKED LAW FIRM, Encourages Fox Corporation Investors to Inquire About Class Action Investigation

ROSEN, A TOP RANKED LAW FIRM, Encourages Fox Corporation Investors to Inquire About Class Action Investigation

NEW YORK, April 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, continues its investigation of potential securities claims on behalf of shareholders of Fox Corporation (NASDAQ: FOX, FOXA) resulting from allegations that FOX may have issued materially misleading business information to the investing public. The prospective class includes those who purchased FOX call options and/or sold put options. SO WHAT: If you purchased FOX securities you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement. The Rosen Law Firm is preparing a class…
This Week in the Supreme Court – w/c 17th July 2023 – UKSCBlog

Morgan and others v Ministry of Justice (Northern Ireland) [2023] UKSC 14 – UKSC Blog

The respondents in this appeal were convicted of terrorism offences. On 13 November 2020, they were sentenced to determine custodial sentences by Colton J. In accordance with the Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 2008 (the ‘2008 Order’), the judge specified a “custodial period” of half of the term of their sentences which gave rise to an obligation on the part of the Department of Justice to release the respondents on license (eg living in the community while complying with set rules) when they had served half of their sentences. On 29 April 2021, the Counter Terrorism and Sentencing Act 2021…