How to deal with Self Care v Allergan –

How to deal with Self Care v Allergan –

Jackman J has dismissed The Agency Group’s claims of trade mark infringement and misleading or deceptive conduct / passing off against The North Agency. In doing so, his Honor was directly confronted with the problem arising from the High Court’s reasons in Self Care v Allergan. Some facts The Agency Group is a real estate agency that operates nationwide including, amongst other places, on the Northern Beaches of Sydney. It services the Northern Beaches from offices in Manly and Neutral Bay. In the 12 months or so up to 31 March 2023, between them the two offices sold more than…
Money, Bills & Who Pays The Mortgage After Separation?

Money, Bills & Who Pays The Mortgage After Separation?

In Australia, family law dictates some important timelines to be aware of. If you have been in a de facto relationship, you have two years from the date of separation to finalize your financial settlement (also known as a property settlement). If you have been married, you have one year from the date your divorce has been granted (a divorce can only be applied for 1 year after the date of separation). This illustrates how easy the timelines for people to financially separate can expand considerably. This is why reaching an agreement is important. And not just an informal agreement…
Before Donald Trump there was Spiro Agnew’s plea

Before Donald Trump there was Spiro Agnew’s plea

The news has been full of concerns about the fate of our republic following the indictment of former President Donald Trump. There have been questions about the politicization of criminal laws and the credibility of the judiciary, the polarization of the electorate and threats of violent domestic reaction. But these concerns pale in comparison to the threat to the democratic system posed 50 years ago this summer, when it became shockingly clear that the country was being run by a president, Richard Nixon, and a vice president, Spiro Agnew, who were both simultaneously under criminal investigation for wholly unrelated conduct.…
GIs, free trade, Australia and the EU –

GIs, free trade, Australia and the EU –

With the closing stages of the negotiations between Australia and the EU over the proposed free trade agreement almost upon us, the EU has proposed a list of 55 further wine geographical indications it wants to protect.[1] Amongst others, the list includes “prosecco” and “vittoria”. The Department of Agriculture is holding a Public Objections Process to assess the impact of accepting these names. There are four grounds for potential objection (and only four): The EU GI name is used in Australia as the common name for the relevant good, including as a type or style of wine. The EU GI…
The Schall Law Firm Encourages Investors in Luminar Technologies, Inc.  with Losses of 0,000 to Contact the Firm

The Schall Law Firm Encourages Investors in Luminar Technologies, Inc. with Losses of $100,000 to Contact the Firm

PRESS RELEASE Published June 2, 2023 LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / June 2, 2023 / The Schall Law Firm, a national shareholder rights litigation firm, reminds investors of a class action lawsuit against Luminar Technologies, Inc. (“Luminar” or “the Company”) (NASDAQ:LAZR) for violations of §§10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder by the US Securities and Exchange Commission . ACCESSWIRE News network reaching more than 1,500 media outlets in 98 countries. The newest, fastest-growing and most disruptive newswire available today.…
Does No Win No Fee Mean No Payment Is Required?

Does No Win No Fee Mean No Payment Is Required?

Table of Contents ‘No win no fee’ explained: What does it actually mean? You might have heard about ‘no win, no fee’ agreements that certain law firms offer existing and prospective clients. This type of arrangement is also known as a conditional agreement and government sources often refer to it as a conditional cost agreement. Many people find this type of offer an attractive prospect, due to the fact that upfront legal fees can be waived. However, it can prove confusing, so we thought we would explore this legal term more fully, to keep you best informed about the particulars.…
GIs, free trade, Australia and the EU –

This Week in the Supreme Court – w/c 15th May 2023 – UKSCBlog

Hearings in the Supreme Court are now shown live on the Court’s website. On Tuesday 16th to Thursday 18th may the Court will hear the case of Polmear and another v Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust, on appeal from [2022] EWCA Civ 12. The Court will consider whether an individual can make a claim for psychiatric injury caused by witnessing the death or other horrifying event of a close relative as a result of earlier clinical negligence. The hearing will begin at 10:00am in Courtroom 1. On Wednesday 17th may the Court will hand-down judgment in Commissioners for His Majesty’s…
GIs, free trade, Australia and the EU –

Commissioners for His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs v SSE Generation Ltd [2023] UKSC 17 – UKSC Blog

SSE Generation Ltd, the respondent, claimed capital allowances on expenditure incurred when constructing a hydro-electric power station at Glendoe, Fort Augustus in Scotland. Such allowances may be deducted from income for the purpose of calculating a company’s trading profits subject to corporation tax. Commissioners for His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (“HMRC”) disputed certain allowances claimed by SSE for tax years 31 March 2006 to 31 March 2012 on the basis that in their view certain relevant assets did not give rise to allowable expenditure under the Capital Allowances Act 2001 (the “Act”). SSE appealed to the First-tier Tribunal (the “FTT”).…