How to deal with Self Care v Allergan –

How to deal with Self Care v Allergan –

Jackman J has dismissed The Agency Group’s claims of trade mark infringement and misleading or deceptive conduct / passing off against The North Agency. In doing so, his Honor was directly confronted with the problem arising from the High Court’s reasons in Self Care v Allergan. Some facts The Agency Group is a real estate agency that operates nationwide including, amongst other places, on the Northern Beaches of Sydney. It services the Northern Beaches from offices in Manly and Neutral Bay. In the 12 months or so up to 31 March 2023, between them the two offices sold more than…
No kidding: California overtime law threatens use of grazing goats to prevent wildfires

No kidding: California overtime law threatens use of grazing goats to prevent wildfires

By TERRY CHEAAssociated Press WEST SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Hundreds of goats munch on long blades of yellow grass on a hillside next to a sprawling townhouse complex. They were hired to clear vegetation that could fuel wildfires as temperatures rise this summer. These voracious herbivores are in high demand to devour weeds and shrubs that have proliferated across California after a drought-busting winter of heavy rain and snow. “It’s a huge fuel source. If it is left untamed, it can grow very high. And then when the summer dries everything out, it’s perfect fuel for a fire,” said Jason…
SHAREHOLDER ALERT: The Gross Law Firm Notifies Shareholders of Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.  of a Class Action Lawsuit and a Lead Plaintiff

SHAREHOLDER ALERT: The Gross Law Firm Notifies Shareholders of Charles River Laboratories International, Inc. of a Class Action Lawsuit and a Lead Plaintiff

NEW YORK, May 24, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The Gross Law Firm issues the following notice to shareholders of Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.. Shareholders who purchased shares of CRL during the class listed period are encouraged to contact the firm regarding possible lead plaintiff appointments. Appointment as lead plaintiff is not required to partake in any recovery. CONTACT US HERE: PERIOD CLASS: May 5, 2020 to February 21, 2023 ALLEGATIONS: The complaint alleges that during the class period, Defendants issued materially false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (1) Charles River had engaged in illegal activity with respect…
Cases soared in New York, but constitutionality questioned

Cases soared in New York, but constitutionality questioned

ALBANY, NY — The use of the red flag law in New York has surged over the past year to allow judges to confiscate weapons from people they deem dangerous. The rise in cases, according to prosecutors and elected officials, has helped quell gun violence in New York after an alarming spike during the Covid-19 pandemic. With an expanded law and more attention to it, the growth in cases has been extraordinary after it was barely used when it was first passed in 2019. In 2021, there were 538 extreme risk protection orders issued. A year later, the number soared…
Buncombe Sheriff deputy, APD officer involved in May 7 shooting named?  Officials silent

Buncombe Sheriff deputy, APD officer involved in May 7 shooting named? Officials silent

The Buncombe County Detention Facility December 2, 2021. AHEVILLE – The NC State Bureau of Investigation has confirmed it is investigating the officer-involved shooting May 7 near the downtown jail, but the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office will not say whether the deputy who shot a man, sent him to the hospital, is still on duty or if security upgrades to the jail and magistrate’s office are being considered. Anjanette Grube, SBI spokesperson, confirmed to the Citizen Times May 10 that the agency is investigating the early morning May 7 shooting, after receiving a request to investigate that same day. Aaron…
Spectrum 13 TV crew among four shots while reporting at homicide scene

Spectrum 13 TV crew among four shots while reporting at homicide scene

Florida TV Crew Attack (Orlando Sentinel) A nine-year-old girl and a local journalist were among the two people who were shot and killed after an earlier homicide in Orlando, Florida. A 20-year-old woman had been shot dead earlier on Wednesday, leading to a crew from a local news channel reaching the spot at the Pine Hills area to cover the incident on the same day. The suspected gunman had opened fire on the crew of local news channel Spectrum News 13 at 4pm, leading to the death of one of the television journalists, with a photographer sustaining critical injuries. The…
Judge throws out challenge to Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law

Judge throws out challenge to Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law

Winsor dismissed an earlier version of the case in September on similar grounds, and a similar lawsuit filed in Orlando was also dismissed in October. TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — A federal judge has again dismissed a lawsuit challenging a Florida law critics have dubbed “Don’t Say Gay” that restricts teaching about gender identity and sexual orientation in schools. US District Judge Allen Winsor in Tallahassee ruled Wednesday that a revised lawsuit filed by students, parents and teachers failed to show they had legal standing to challenge the law. The lawsuit had argued the new Florida law was unconstitutional. According to the…
Singapore Maintains Hard-Line Take on Goodwill in Million-Dollar Wonton Noodle Feud

Singapore Maintains Hard-Line Take on Goodwill in Million-Dollar Wonton Noodle Feud

In Singapore, the popular eatery “ENG’S Wonton Noodles” is known for its springy noodles, luscious wonton dumplings and fiery chilli sauce. Its popularity attracted more than S$1.6 million in revenue one year, but a fallout between the founder’s children and their business partners led to multiple disputes, including a dispute over trade mark rights to the “ENG’S” name in Pauline New Ping Ping v Eng’s Char Siew Wantan Mee Pte. Ltd. [2022] SGIPOS 10. Ng Ba Eng (Eng) inherited the wonton noodle business from his father around 1962 and operated it with his son, Desmond Ng (Desmond) using the signboard…