The most immediate concerns after a car accident are your health and your legal obligations.
First, you should be evaluated by a physician for any injuries. Not all car accident injuries are obvious. Brain injuries can be essential invisible, and other conditions may not show symptoms for hours or days after a car accident due to adrenaline and shock.
Next, you want to collect as much information about the accident as possible. Get all relevant information such as license plate numbers, names, locations, insurance providers, and other details and organize it. If there were any witnesses present at the scene,…
The most immediate concerns after a car accident are your health and your legal obligations.
First, you should be evaluated by a physician for any injuries. Not all car accident injuries are obvious. Brain injuries can be essential invisible, and other conditions may not show symptoms for hours or days after a car accident due to adrenaline and shock.
Next, you want to collect as much information about the accident as possible. Get all relevant information such as license plate numbers, names, locations, insurance providers, and other details and organize it. If there were any witnesses present at the scene,…
New York State may soon join the growing list of restricting jurisdictions or banning noncompete agreements. On June 7, 2023 the New York State Senate passed S 3100A (the “Bill”), which would prohibit employers from seeking, requiring, demanding, or accepting certain noncompete agreements.
If adopted and signed into law, the Bill would significantly change the landscape for New York employers, in part because the legislation uses broad–and sometimes vague–definitions. The Bill defines “non-compete agreement,” as “any agreement, or clause contained in any agreement, between an employer and a covered individual that prohibits or restricts such as covered individual from obtaining…
The National Labor Relations Board’s top lawyer, Jennifer Abruzzo, issued a General Counsel memo today instructing the Labor Board’s Regional Directors of her position that noncompete clauses for employees protected by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) (ie., nonmanagerial and nonsupervisory employees) in employment contracts and severance agreements violate federal labor law except in limited circumstances. The memo, while not law, outlines her legal theory which she will present to the National Labor Relations Board, which makes law primarily through adjudication of unfair labor practice cases. The memo instructs the agency’s field offices of the position that the General Counsel…
Earlier this year, the United States Department of Justice (“DOJ”) announced that it was launching the Disruptive Technology Strike Force (“Strike Force”) in an effort “to target illicit actors, strengthen supply chains and protect critical technological assets from being acquired or used by nation-state adversaries.” The DOJ’s initial announcement can be found here. The Strike Force is co-led by the DOJ and Commerce Department with the goal of countering efforts by hostile nation-states seeking to illegally acquire sensitive United States technology. On May 16, 2023, the DOJ announced criminal charges in five cases from five different US Attorney’s Offices in…
Get Disability Today – Quikaid
Get expert help with your Social Security Disability Claim.
The Social Security Administration confirmed that disability claimants with professional representation are THREE TIMES more likely to get their disability claim approved.
Quikaid is the leading disability representation firm in the country and we will do it everything possible to get your claim approved!
You will never have to give us money!
We get paid directly by the Social Security Administration, but only if your disability claim is approved.
All of the benefits you receive are YOURS – hiring a professional representative does not affect your…
Sokoloff Lawyers are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle your personal information to protect your privacy.
Privacy Legislation:Since January 1, 2004, all Canadian organizations engaged in commercial activities have been required to comply with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”) and the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information incorporated by reference into PIPEDA . These obligations extend to lawyers and law firms, including Sokoloff Lawyers.
As a services firm, we have professional and ethical obligations to keep confidential the information we receive in the context of…
On February 21, 2023, the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB” or “Board”) continued its aggressive application of the National Labor Relations Act (“Act” or “NLRA”) to workplaces without union representation and lessened the value of severance agreements for all employers by finding it unlawful for an employer to merely proffer a severance agreement that includes broad non-disparagement and confidentiality provisions to an employee. in Mclaren Macomb, the Board held that a severance agreement that contained a confidentiality clause and a non-disparagement clause was unlawful because, in the Board’s view, these provisions impermissibly infringe on employees’ rights under the Act. Specifically,…